Bihar Public Service commission (BPSC) conducts exam for the recruitment to the posts in Bihar Civil Services for the post of Deputy superintendent of police, Rural Development officer, revenue officer, Sub Divisional Officer, Bihar Education service, Labour enforcement officer, Food and consumer inspector and SC/ST welfare department. For more information visit: http://bpsc.bih.nic.in. To participate in BPSC exam, candidate should have graduate degree in any discipline from recognized university and must have completed 21 years and maximum of 37 years.
Selection Process of BPSC exam: The competitive exam of BPSC comprises of Preliminary exam (One paper of Objective Type) of150 marks, Main Exam (3 Papers each of 300 marks Written Type) of 900 marks and The interview of 120 marks
BPSC Exam Type | BPSC Educational Criteria |
BPSC Preliminary Examination | Objective Type & Multiple choices |
BPSC Mains Examination | Conventional Type, i.e. Written examination |
BPSC Viva- Voice | Personality Test |
The Preliminary examination for the BPSC will consist of one compulsory papers (Objective Type) of 150 Marks and 2 hours. This paper basically follows the Objective Type Pattern. Candidates need to choose one right answer from four available options. Overall there will be 150 questions for 1 mark each. BPSC Prelims exam occupy candidate for 2 hours for each paper.
BPSC Exam | No. of Questions | Total Marks | Timing |
Paper-I | 150 | 200 | 9.30 to 11.30 A.M. |
BPSC Prelims Exam | Duration | Total Marks | Total Questions |
GS-I | Two hours | 200 | 150 |
BPCS Prelims syllabus | PCS KAKA Library |
Current Events of national and International Importance for BPSC Exam | On a given date Kaka’s libraray has more than 1500 questions to practice from. Library is divided into monthly current affairs by Month such as Jan, Feb, etc. On a given day you have access to last 15 months current affairs. This data can be used for BPSC exam. |
For BPSC Exam main focus should be on the wide overall knowledge of Social, Economic and Political dimensions as well as the wide elements of Bihar History. The candidates are expected to be familiar with the broad aspects of the history of Bihar. Indian National Movement and Role of Bihar: Questions will be based on the nature and character of Nineteenth-century resurgence, growth of nationalism, attainment of freedom and role of Bihar in the freedom movement of India along with the part played by them. | Kaka’s Library contains more than 4000 question spanning from ancient India to Modern India. Also containing questions from Art and Culture. History library is divided in to subsections such as Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India and Art and culture. |
Polity questions for BPSC exam will include Country’s Political system, Panchayati Raj, community development | Indian Polity section contains more than 2500 questions to practice from. |
The main focus will be on Geography of Bihar and India for BPSC exam. This will include questions on country’s physical, social and economical geography including characteristics of Indian Agricultural and natural resources. Question will be asked on Bihar specific natural resource, development of rivers, climate, flora and fauna of Bihar, Mineral and transportation in Bihar. | Geography section of pcsaka’s library contains more than 3000 questions. Geography has been divided into subsections such as Physical Geography, Indian Geography and World Geography. This will help aspirant to clear BPSC exam. |
Economic planning in Bihar and India also Political and economic diversity in Bihar is under syllabus for BPSC exAM. | Economics section contains more than 2000 questions to practice from. |
Science include a general understanding of science, including issues of normal observation and experience, as it can be anticipated of a well educated individual who has not made a unique study of any scientific discipline. | Science section contains more than 2500 questions to practice from in pcskaka's library. Science has been divided into subsections such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Aspirant can study and test his knowledge by choosing any subsection to attempt the questions to clear BPSC exam. |
12 Total Test
360 Total Question
Scientifically designed for PCS
A must have for Civil services aspirant
IAS PCS SCC and others
75 Total Test
2250 Total Question
Scientifically designed for PCS
A must have for Civil services aspirant
IAS PCS SCC and others