Current affairs are important for any competitive exam as many questions are asked based on the current affairs. Not only for the competitive exams, if you wish to keep yourself ahead of others then you should keep your current affairs knowledge brushed up. Here are some important events that made headlines in 2019.
This product of PCSKAKA is designed for online practice in an objective pattern. This will give student a feel of real exam type. Answers and explanation are given after each question.
Below is the link of current affairs of 2019. Questions on current affairs are compiled in monthly manner. Click on the link to get started.
12 Total Test
360 Total Question
Scientifically designed for PCS
A must have for Civil services aspirant
IAS PCS SCC and others
75 Total Test
2250 Total Question
Scientifically designed for PCS
A must have for Civil services aspirant
IAS PCS SCC and others
69 Total Test
2070 Total Question
Scientifically designed for PCS
A must have for Civil services aspirant
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