Rajasthan Public Service commission (RPSC) conducts exam for the recruitment to the posts in Rajasthan Civil Services for the post of assistant collector, Sub-Divisional magistrate, Additional district collector, Additional Divisional Commissioner, Deputy Inspector General Stamp and Registration, Special Assistant to State Minister, Commissioner to Municipal Corporation, Additional Chief Executive Officer to Zila Parishad, Chief Executive Officer to Zila Parishad, District Supply Officer, Secretary to Urban Improvement Trust, Registrar to State University, District Excise Officer, Member of Board of Revenue, Deputy and additional Commissioner to Colonization. Official website of RPSC/RAS is: https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in.
RPSC/RAS Selection Process: The RPSC/RAS competitive exam comprises of one Preliminary exam (one paper of Objective Type) of200 marks, Main Exam (4 Papers for 800 marks Written Type) and The interview of 100 marks
RPSC/RAS Exam Type | RPSC/RAS Educational Criteria |
RPSC/RAS Preliminary Examination | Objective Type & Multiple choices |
RPSC/RAS Main Examination | Conventional Type, i.e. Written examination |
RPSC/RAS Viva- Voice | Personality Test |
The Preliminary Examination of RPSC/RAS will consist of one paper on the subject specified below, which will be of objective type and carry a maximum of 200 marks. There will be Negative Marking – 1/3 part of mark(s) of each question will be deducted for each wrong answer. The RPSC/RAS pre examination is meant to serve as a screening test only. The Standard of the paper will be that of a Bachelor’s Degree Level.
RPSC/RAS Exam | No. of Questions | Total Marks | Timing |
RPSC/RAS Paper-I | 150 | 200 | 9.30 to 11.30 A.M. |
RPSC/RAS Prelims Syllabus | Duration | Total Marks | Total Questions |
RPSC/RAS GS-I | Two hours | 200 | 150 |
RPSC/RAS Prelims syllabus | PCSKAKA Library |
Major Current Events and Issues of State (Rajasthan), National and International Importance Persons and Places in recent news, Games and Sports related Activities. | On a given date Kaka’s libraray has more than 1500 questions to practice from. Library is divided into monthly current affairs by Month such as Jan, Feb, etc. On a given day you have access to last 24 months current affairs. Aspirants can practice from here to secure good marks in RPSC/RAS pre exam. |
1.Ancient & Medieval Period: Salient features and Major Landmarks of Ancient and Medieval India. Art, Culture, Literature and Architecture. Major Dynasties, Their Administrative System. Socio-Economic Conditions, Prominent Movements. 2. Modern Period: Modern Indian history (from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present)- significant events, personalities and issues. The Freedom Struggle & Indian National Movement- its various stages and important contributors and contributions from different parts of the country. Social and religious reform movements in the 19th and 20th century. Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country. | pcskaka’s Library contains more than 4000 question spanning from ancient India to Modern India. Also containing questions from Art and Culture. History library is divided in to subsections such as Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India and Art and culture. Aspiarnts are advised to practice these questions to clear RPSC/RAS prelims exam. |
Indian Constitution, Political System & Governance: 1. Constitutional Development & Indian Constitution: Government of India Acts: 1919 and 1935, Constituent Assembly, Nature of Indian Constitution; Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State, Fundamental Duties, Federal Structure, Constitutional Amendments, Emergency Provisions, Public Interest Litigation (P.I.L.) and Judicial Review. 2. Indian Political System and Governance: Nature of Indian State, Democracy in India, Reorganization of States, Coalition Governments, Political Parties, National Integration. Union and State Executive; Union and State Legislative, Judiciary. President, Parliament, Supreme Court, Election Commission, Comptroller and Auditor General, Planning Commission, National Development Council, Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), Central Information Commission , Lokpal, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). Local Self Government & Panchayati Raj. 3. Public Policy & Rights: National Public Policy as a welfare state. Various Legal Rights and Citizen Charter. 4. Political and Administrative System of Rajasthan: Governor, Chief Minister, State Assembly, High Court, Rajasthan Public Service Commission, District Administration, State Human Rights Commission, Lokayukt, State Election Commission, State Information Commission. Public Policy, Legal Rights and Citizen Charter. | Indian Polity section of pcskaka contains more than 2500 questions to practice from. Aspirant can secure good rank in RPSC/RAS pre exam if thet seriously practice questions from these question banks. |
1.World Geography: Broad Physical features. Environmental and Ecological Issues. Wildlife and Bio-diversity. International Waterways. Major Industrial Regions. 2.Geography of India: Broad physical features and Major physiographic divisions. Agriculture and Agro based Activities. Minerals – Iron, Manganese, Coal, Oil & Gas, Atomic minerals. Major Industries and Industrial development. Transportation– major transport corridors. Natural Resources. Environmental Problems and Ecological Issues 3.Geography of Rajasthan: Broad physical features and Major physiographic divisions. Natural Resource of Rajasthan. Climate, Natural Vegetation, Forests, Wildlife and Bio-diversity, Major irrigation projects, Mines and Minerals, Population, Major Industries and Potential for Industrial Development. | Geography section of pcskaka’s library contains more than 3000 questions. Geography has been divided into subsections such as Physical Geography, Indian Geography and World Geography. Practsing from these sections will definitely improve aspirant's knowledge and this will in turn help aspirant to secure good marks in RPSC/RAS prelims exam. |
Economic Concepts and Indian Economy: 1.Basic Concepts of Economics: Basic Knowledge of Budgeting, Banking, Public Finance, National Income, Growth and Development Accounting- Concept, Tools and Uses in Administration, Stock Exchange and Share Market, Fiscal and Monetary Policies, Subsidies, Public Distribution System, e-Commerce, Inflation- Concept, Impact and Control Mechanism. 2.Economic Development & Planning: 5 Year Plans - Objectives, Strategies and Achievements. Major Sectors of Economy- Agriculture, Industry, Service and Trade- Current Status, Issues & initiatives. Major Economic Problems and Government Initiatives. Economic Reforms and Liberalization. 3.Human Resource and Economic Development: Human Development Index Poverty and Unemployment:- Concept, Types, Causes, Remedies and Current Flagship Schemes, Provisions for Weaker Sections. 4.Economy Of Rajasthan: Macro overview of Economy. Major Agricultural, Industrial and Service Sector Issues. Growth, Development and Planning. Infrastructure & Resources. Major Development Projects. Programmes and Schemes- Government Welfare Schemes for SC/ST/Backward Class/Minorities/Disabled Persons, Destitute, Women, Children, Old Age People, Farmers & Labourers. | Economics section contains more than 2000 questions to practice from. To tackle questions from economics in RPSC/RAS pre exam an aspirant must practice all these questions. |
Environmental and Ecological Changes and its Impacts. Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering. Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan. | Environment section contains more than 2500 questions to practice from. Practising these questions is a must to clear RPSC/RAS prelims exam. |
Basics of Everyday Science. Electronics, Computers, Information and Communication Technology. Space Technology including Satellites. Defence Technology. Nanotechnology. Human body, Food and Nutrition, Health care. Development of Science and Technology in Rajasthan. | Science section contains more than 2500 questions to practice from. Science has been divided into subsections such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Aspirant can study and test his knowledge by choosing any subsection to attempt the questions. This approach will improve his/her command over the subject and hence secure good marks in RPSC/RAS pre exam. |
12 Total Test
360 Total Question
Scientifically designed for PCS
A must have for Civil services aspirant
IAS PCS SCC and others
75 Total Test
2250 Total Question
Scientifically designed for PCS
A must have for Civil services aspirant
IAS PCS SCC and others