Monthly Current Affairs for UPSC IAS and other state civil services Exam in Hindi & English is available online on PCSKAKA. Nowadays, In CSE, many questions are asked from the current affairs. Current affairs play a crucial role in the selection of any candidate. Many students are facing difficulty where to get all Current Affairs in one place. So, we are providing you with all Monthly Current Affairs Compilation in one place.
Besides, the UPSC and state civil services Syllabus's vastness and the number of contemporary events occurring in current affairs make the UPSC and state civil service preparation more challenging. At times, it appears difficult to make notes of all the relevant materials each day. Therefore, PCSKAKA has come up with this post integrating the monthly Current affairs of the whole year in one place.
The compilation of current affairs by PCSKAKA is from 2019. It is believed that up to 2 years of current affairs is more than enough to cover the syllabus of CSE.
This product of PCSKAKA is designed for online practice in an objective pattern. This will give student a feel of real exam type. Answers and explanation are given after each question.
Current events of national and international importance are covered in these current affairs. Special emphasis is given to the areas of current events which are important from CSE perspective. CSE syllabus is vast, and no one can cover everything, we have tried to include as many topics as possible and questions to help the student crack CSE questions. Hope you all will find it useful. Please let us know if you have any concerns.
Below is the link of current affairs of 2022. Questions on current affairs are compiled in monthly manner. Click on the link to get started.
12 Total Test
360 Total Question
Scientifically designed for PCS
A must have for Civil services aspirant
IAS PCS SCC and others
75 Total Test
2250 Total Question
Scientifically designed for PCS
A must have for Civil services aspirant
IAS PCS SCC and others
69 Total Test
2070 Total Question
Scientifically designed for PCS
A must have for Civil services aspirant
Timer for time management