PCS KAKA is a digital library designed to cater needs of state civil service aspirants. It has all the subjects required for the preparation of UP PCS examination. Our library has more than 20,000 questions covering various topics from all the books available in market. Our Library covers the following subjects from UP PCS exam’s perspective: History, Geography, Polity, Economics, Environment, Science, Current affairs of state and national importance. This library is completely digital. Available 24x7.
If you are reading this, then you are well aware of pattern and syllabus of our civil services. Syllabus is humongous and questions to cover are in thousands. Aspirants study night and day but still unable answer few questions in the prelims examination and hence miss the cut off. They think that the question has fell from sky. But in reality that is not the case, the basic reason is lack of practice of what you have read. When you don’t get much practice needed for the topics that you have covered, it is natural to forget names and dates. But these names and places are very much core of any prelims examinations. Hence, the need of practicing the topics in a prelims way.
Answer is simple. Thousands of questions covered from hundreds of books available in one platform 24x7.
You read a topic, you practice few questions and you think you are good to go but in reality you are not. What happens when on the D-Day you get a question from the same topic of which you have no idea. This is where Kaka’s library comes in to picture. Kaka’s library has all the possible questions available on this planet. And our library is organic, its evolving day by day. It is highly unlikely that you miss the cutoff if you follow Kaka’s guidance.
Kaka’s library is designed in a modular way. It has all the subjects of CSE preparation. Each subject is divided into sub sections. E.g., History is divided into Ancient, Medieval and Modern. One can choose a section and start his/her practice of that section.
We are working to provide you seamless integration for all the subjects required for CSE prepartion.
If you need further help, To email us : Click Here
12 Total Test
360 Total Question
Scientifically designed for PCS
A must have for Civil services aspirant
IAS PCS SCC and others